The Litchfield Elementary School District has a holistic focus on our students not only on academics, but also on the health and wellness of our children. Students participate in a variety of health and wellness activities across our District such as: cardio/running clubs, Family Fitness Nights, Food and Nutrition Expos, Walk for Diabetes, Jump Rope for Heart, Walking School Bus and Girls on the Run. As part of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 our District is implementing the Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards.
We want to spread a consistent message about the importance of healthier foods and beverages. To do this, we are asking that classroom celebrations reflect the healthy changes being made throughout the rest of the school building, such as in the cafeteria and other places where foods and beverages are sold and served to students. We are asking that celebrations include healthy choices instead of high fat, sugary options. If you would like to support healthy food options for celebrations here are some recommendations for low fat, low sugar options: fruits/veggies (sliced and prepackaged), pretzels, popcorn, and graham crackers are just a few ideas. We also would like to recommend non-food items that are very popular with students such as, new book donated to class library by birthday student with their parent as the guest reader or small goodie bags with stickers/activities given out to classmates.
Between holidays and birthday celebrations for each student, the number of unhealthy foods and beverages a student consumes during the school year can multiply quickly. While it is at your discretion about the items you would like your child to bring in for a class celebration we are asking for your help creating new celebration traditions that focus on non-food items or healthier foods and beverages.
In support of these healthier options we will limit birthday celebrations to once per month. In August we will celebrate July & August birthdays and in May we will celebrate May and June. All other birthdays will be celebrated once a month at the discretion of the homeroom teacher. DSE celebrations will occur on the last Friday of each month or a date that is prescheduled with your child’s teacher. Your teacher will notify you of any changes.